How to fix the TOO MANY REDIRECTS error in Cloudflare
After setting up Cloudflare on your website, it’s not impossible that you start to encounter errors that were not here before.
A common one is the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
error. Most of the time, you just need to change a setting in your Cloudflare dashboard to fix it, here is how:
Open your Cloudflare dashboard, click on your domain name, and open the SSL/TLS tab.
In the “SSL/TLS encryption” card, click on the “Configure” button.
If the “Automatic SSL/TLS” encryption mode is selected, and check if it is set to either Full or Full (strict)
If it’s not Full or Full (strict), it’s probably the source of your problem ! Select the “Custom SSL/TLS” option below and choose the “Full” option
Don’t forget to save your settings
Your problem should now be fixed
Hope it helps, have a nice day! 👍